Friday, 26 March 2021

Today, I dare to let myself dream + Grandmother's Tip


Today, I dared to let myself Dream

Today, I dared to let myself dream,

That the world will one day open again.

That the locks will loosen, the walls will fall,

The doors will fly open and reunite us all.

I dared to imagine the warmth of a cuddle,

A group of my friends all locked in a huddle.

I felt all the heartbeats, drumming with mine,

I heard all the laughter, I tasted the wine.

I thought of the feelings I’ve missed for long,

The room full of music, united by song.

The freedom to roam, to plan and to meet

To hold someone’s hand, to meet, to greet.

Just for a moment I dared to dream of,

The flights I would board to the places I love.

The moment those eyes would meet mine at the gate,

The feeling of joy after so long a wait.

Today, I dared to let myself dream,

That the life we once had would happen again.

That we’d no longer fear the danger of air,

That our lives would not depend on such care.

They say that we mustn’t wish time away,

But it’s hard, my friend, when faced with a day,

So long in blank hours and so wiped of laughter,

It’s tempting to drift away to thereafter.

So yes, I dared to dream just a while,

Of life coming back, it brought me a smile.

One day I know, this will be in the past,

And hugs will be free, again, at last.

Donna Ashworth


Grandmother’s Tip

My grandmother once gave me a tip:

In difficult times, you move forward in small steps.

Do what you have to do, but little by little.

Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow.

Wash the dishes.

Remove the dust.

Write a letter.

Make  soup.

You see?

You are advancing step by step.

Take a step and stop.

Rest a little.

Praise yourself.

Take another step.

Then another.

You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more.

And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.

- Elena Mikhalkova


Saturday, 20 March 2021

Grateful feedback + Burnt Toast


Grateful Feedback  

I'm grateful for each breath I take and good health.

I'm grateful for being resilient, of not fearing the thoughts in my head and for general peace of mind.

I'm grateful for my family and friends who accept me and love me with all my faults and failings. 


1. My husband, 3 teens (& pets)

2. My house (& car)

3. Still having my parents alive


I’m grateful for my family, my friends and good health. 


1) our health & well-being, mental and physical 

2) wonderful grandparents for our boys, setting great examples

3) being settled and content in our lovely home  



1. My children and our continuing good fortune to being virus free.
2. Being Irish but being able to live freely in a beautiful part of the world (Amersham in Buckinghamshire, UK)
3. My fortunate living conditions: enough food, water, clean air, heating, comfortable home, enough money.

I’m possibly stretching the 3 things but I could add loads of others including a good education, friends, my garden, my computer which allows me to contact people all over the world (including my RE teacher from school ), BBC radio 4...



1. This Sunday's lunch. Here in Italy restrictions are up again. We can only move around our own area (similar to saying I live in Greenhills so I have to stay within Greenhills unless I'm going to work or have a medical appointment.) Luckily within the area we can visit (only 2 people) though we must keep safe. From Monday we're back to total closure. So the inlaws are coming to lunch today, last time we'll see them for 3 weeks, at least. Aaaand hubby is cooking seafood!!!

2. Internet. Much as many of my colleagues hate it (I'm teaching in a Steiner Waldorf school) it gives me the chance to see my students, it also means I can see my son who moved in with the gf.

3. I'm incredibly grateful for the sun that woke me this morning, the terse sky and the stiff breeze that reminds me of Ireland. Morning sunshine always gives me a lift, though it's been donkey's years since there's been more than 5 cloudy days in a row! (that was just to make you jealous!)

Ps. The little things you take for granted before you lose them are also the ones you are most thankful for when you get them back. Random smiles on the street, hugs and coffee with friends.



1.  My eyesight. 

 That popped into my head immediately. I can see beauty all around me. I can see my grandchild and his beautiful smile and enjoy playing and doing things with him  I can read and do crossword puzzles. I can drive and be totally independent. So so many things. 


2. For you  especially on Sunday mornings when I receive my NFTS  I always look forward to opening it. There is so much food for thought in it. Always uplifting. I don’t say thank you often enough. So a big thank you from me this morning. 


3. My family and friends, my home. 


Pat when I sit and think about it I have so so much to be grateful for the list just goes on and on. So thinking about being  grateful has made me very aware how much I have to be grateful for. Being alive and able to enjoy simple things and not worrying about things I cannot control. 



 Thinking about being  grateful has made me very aware how much I have to be grateful for. Being alive and able to enjoy simple things and not worrying about things I cannot control. 


 The three things I’m grateful for are as follows:

1) Family & Great Friends

- My immediate family - My husband and best friend  and my two children . I’ve had a mad two+ years and I’d have been lost without their support, patience and love.

- My three amazing sisters, my brother  and my mother and father in law . They have shown me the true meaning of love and support and when the chips are down, who has your back.

- Good Friends - They’ve been a wealth of support and advice and kept believing in me.

2) Laughter - it’s great to be able to laugh !

3) Long Walks


My Family – can’t imagine how lonely life could be!




A Daughter who bakes.


My Husband care and thoughtfulness 

My children’s humour and fun

My parent’s positive attitude to the lockdown 


I am truly grateful for your posts every Sunday morning. You inspire me, uplift me, and without fail, send something that I can use with my classes. I have built many online classes around your materials.

I am grateful for my family's health, especially that my husband survived a very difficult health issue.

I am grateful for my faith, for knowing the love of God and his faithfulness.


I'm grateful to have the beach and ocean within walking distance of my home. 


I'm grateful for my Ukulele and the happy circumstance of starting lessons a few months before Covid 19 arrived in our lives. 


I'm grateful for my friends. I think I've got the best in the world.


And  to add a fourth one... I'm grateful I had a wonderful teacher and mentor who continues to guide me with weekly nutrition for my soul , 


For having had good parents

That health problems were overcome

That I found work that was fulfilling



Burnt Toast

One evening my mother made dinner after a hard day's work. She put a plate of eggs, salad and burnt toast in front of my father ...

I immediately noticed, the burnt toast .... And, I was waiting to see if he was going to complain about it, but my father started to eat them, smiling and asked me how I spent my day at school ...

My mom apologized to my dad for the burnt toast. I will never forget his response to her: "Honey, I love burnt toast!"

Later when I went to bed and my dad came over to kiss me goodnight, I asked him if he really liked the burnt toast?

He hugged me and said, "Your mother has had a difficult day and she is really tired. She went out of her way to prepare this meal for us, why blame her and hurt her.
Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful! "

We have to know how to appreciate what others do for us, even if it's not perfect, because it's the intention to do well that counts, and no one is perfect ...


Saturday, 13 March 2021



“Grateful: A Love Song to the World”

Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod

Verse 1:
You’re my life,
You’re my breath,
You’re a smile
You my guest

You’re the earth
You’re the sun
You’re the grass
You are love

You’re my hands
You’re a bug
You’re my eyes
You’re a hug

You’re the light
In the dark
You’re the spark
You are fun

You’re my mom
You are water
You’re the stars
You’re my daughter

You’re my friend
Till the end
You’re my dreams
You’re my father

You’re the ants on the ground
The miracles that surround
I’m feelin’ it all around
The hemisphere and the clouds

You’re my pain you’re my sorrow
You’re my hope for tomorrow
You’re the strength when I’m hollow
You’re the path that I follow

You’re the blessings that exist
The small things that are bliss
The gift to realize that
Everything is a gift

All that I am
All that I see
All that I’ve been and all that I’ll ever be
Is a blessing
It’s so amazing
And I’m grateful for it all, for it all

Verse 2:

You’re the blessings
Every time I try to count,
You’re the lessons
That l learn
Every time I turn around,
You’re the water when I’m burned
Every time I think I’ve found
Everything I’m looking for,
You’re the sign sayin’
Stop to take a bow

And keep moving forward
And start looking towards your heart,
it’ll open all the doors
And only then you’ll start
To hear the world sing in chorus
With your mind and heart
Aligned in purpose
Everything will feel gorgeous

All that I am
All that I see
All that I’ve been and all that I’ll ever be
Is a blessing
It’s so amazing
And I’m grateful for it all, for it all

Breakdown 1:
Everyday I sit and pray
Cuz what I have is
More than I deserve
Or could ever imagine
How do I give back
To all of this magic
And spread the love
So everybody can have it

Doesn’t matter if I’m rich or poor
If I gotta family or if I’m all alone
Bad things happen I can just complain and moan
But there’s a million things
that I can be grateful for

Breakdown 2:
So I lift up my hands now
And I open my heart
And my gratitude goes out
To everything near and far

Final Chorus:
Everything I am
And everything I see
Everything I hope
And everything I dream
Everything I feel
And everything I be
I Look deep down
And feel all the blessings
/I’m grateful for it all
It’s amazing

All that I am
All that I see
All that I’ve been and all that I’ll ever be
Is a blessing
Its so amazing

And I’m grateful for it all, for it all


You’re the blessings that exist
The small things that are bliss
The gift to realize that
Everything is a gift 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

" This Life will go by fast "

 This life will go by fast.


Don't fight with people.

Don't criticise your body so much.

Don't complain so much.

Don't lose sleep over your bills.

Look for the person that makes you happy.

If you make a mistake, let it go and keep seeking your happiness.

Never stop being a good parent.

Don't worry so much about buying luxuries and comforts for your home, and don't kill yourself trying to leave an inheritance for your family. Those benefits should be earned by each person, so don't dedicate yourself to accumulating money.

Enjoy travel, enjoy your journeys, see new places, give yourself the pleasures you deserve.

Don't put away the fine glassware. Utilize the new dinnerware.

Don't save your favourite perfume, use it.

Wear out your favourite sport shoes; and your favourite clothes.

So what?

That's not bad.

Why not now?

Why not pray now instead of waiting until before you sleep?

Why not call now?

Why not forgive now?

We wait so long for Christmas; for Friday; for reunions; for another year; for when we have money; for love to come; when everything is perfect. Look everything perfect doesn't exist.

Human beings can't accomplish this because it simply was not intended to be completed here. Here is an opportunity to learn.

So take this challenge that is life and do it more, forgive more, embrace more, love more intensely and leave the rest in God's hands.


A Gentle Reminder From Pope Francis


Don't let harsh words affect you

  " Don't let harsh words from people affect you " A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him. ...