Sunday, 27 March 2022

Ukrainian Paddington + "The Journey is too short"

 One month of war has displaced half of Ukraine's children. So far over 117 have lost their young lives in Putin's war !!

Many are travelling with next to nothing: children with little backpacks, mothers dragging suitcases, some only with the clothes on their backs.

 In the late 1930s-1940s, Michael Bond, author of Paddington Bear, saw Jewish refugee children (Kindertransport children) walking through London's Reading Station, arriving in Britain escaping from the Nazi horrors of Europe.

Mr. Bond, touched by what he saw, recalled those memories 20 years later when he began his story of Paddington Bear. One morning in 1958, he was searching for writing inspiration and simply wrote the words: “Mr. and Mrs. Brown first met Paddington on a railway platform…”

“They all had a label round their neck with their name and address on and a little case or package containing all their treasured possessions,” Bond said in an interview with The Telegraph before his death in 2017. “So Paddington, in a sense, was a refugee, and I do think that there’s no sadder sight than refugees.”

Paddington Bear - known for his blue overcoat, bright red hat, and wearing a simple hand-written tag that says “Please look after this bear. Thank you,” Paddington embodies the appearance of many refugee children. His suitcase is an emblem of his own refugee status.

“We took in some Jewish children who often sat in front of the fire every evening, quietly crying because they had no idea what had happened to their parents, and neither did we at the time. It’s the reason why Paddington arrived with the label around his neck”. -- Michael Bond

Michael Bond died at 91 in 2017. The epitaph on his gravestone reads "Please look after this bear. Thank you."

Please look after all the young Bears in Ukraine.

"The journey is short"

An elderly woman got on a bus and sat down. At the

next stop, a strong, grumpy young woman climbed up and sat down sharply beside the old woman, hitting her with her numerous bags.

When she saw that the elderly woman remained silent, the young woman asked her why she had not complained when she hit her with her bags.

The elderly woman replied with a smile: ′ ′ There is no need to be rude or discuss something so insignificant, as my trip next to you is so short because I am going to get off at the next stop. "

This answer deserves to be written in gold letters: ′ ′ There is no need to discuss something so insignificant, because our journey together is too short. "

Each of us must understand that our time in this world is so short, that darkening with struggles, useless arguments, jealousy, not forgiving others, discontent and an attitude of constant discovery is a ridiculous waste of time and energy.

Did someone break your heart ?. Stay calm.

The trip is too short.

Did someone betray you, intimidate, cheat or humiliate you? Relax. Excuse. The trip is too short.

Did someone insult you without reason ?. Stay calm. Ignore it. The trip is too short.

Did a neighbour comment on the chat that you didn't like ?. Stay calm. Ignore him. Forgive that. The trip is too short.

Whatever the problem someone has brought us, remember that our journey together is too short.

No one knows the length of that trip. Nobody knows when it will arrive at its stop. Our trip together is too short.

We will appreciate friends and family.

Let us be respectful, kind and forgive, we will be filled with gratitude and joy, after all our trip together is very short.



Sunday, 20 March 2022

Ukraine asked - "Can anyone help us ? " - Ireland said. "We're on our way"


At the beginning of "Nutrition for the Soul" on this Sunday morning light a candle and recite this  Mantra :  "I am for Peace - that means I will always try to create Peace at Home, at School, in the Workplace and in the World" 

We are responding to the plea from Ukraine for support 

check out this link:

The Wind beneath my Wings.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
It must have been cold there in my shadow
To never have sunlight on your face
You were content to let me shine, that's your way
You always walked a step behind
So I was the one with all the glory
While you were the one with all the strength
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain
Did you ever know that you're my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
It might have appeared to go unnoticed
But I've got it all here in my heart
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it
I would be nothing without you
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings
Oh, the wind beneath my wings
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings
Fly, fly, fly away, you let me fly so high
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings
Fly, fly, fly high against the sky
So high I almost touch the sky
Thank you, thank you
Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings

Check out and play this link with the sound on:

This is the Irish Government’s international St Patrick’s Day video. It's incredibly powerful and beautifully produced. We're a small nation with a massive heart and this video really makes us proud to be Irish.

The Island (Paul Brady)
They say the skies of Lebanon are burning.
Those mighty cedars bleeding in the heat.
They're showing pictures on the television.
Women and children dying in the street
And we're still at it in our own place.
Still trying to reach the future through the past.
Still trying to carve tomorrow from a tombstone...
But Hey! Don't listen to me!.
This wasn't meant to be no sad song.
We've heard too much of that before.
Right now I only want to be here with you.
Till the morning dew comes falling.
I want to take you to the island.
And trace your footprints in the sand.
And in the evening when the sun goes down
We'll make love to the sound of the ocean
They're raising banners over by the markets
Whitewashing slogans on the shipyard walls
Witchdoctors praying for a mighty showdown
No way our holy flag is gonna fall
Up here we sacrifice our children
To feed the worn-out dreams of yesterday
And teach them dying will lead us into glory...
Now I know us plain folks don't see all the story.
And I know this peace and love's just copping out.
And I guess these young boys dying in the ditches.
Is just what being free is all about.
And how this twisted wreckage down on main street.
Will bring us all together in the end.
And we'll go marching down the road to freedom....

Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger' s message to the Russian people.

This is what is left of people's homes !!

Mariupol Maternity Hospital 


An example of community response throughout the country.

Listen now to this song - the message to the Ukrainian people is that we support you 
and " We Stand by You " 

I won’t let go    Rascal Flatts

it's like a storm
That cuts a path
It's breaks your will
It feels like that

You think you're lost
But your not lost on your own
You're not alone

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go

It hurts my heart
To see you cry
I know it's dark
This part of life
Oh it finds us all (finds us all)
And we're too small
To stop the rain
Oh but when it rains

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let you fall

Don't be afraid to fall
I'm right here to catch you
I won't let you down
It won't get you down
You're gonna make it
Yeah I know you can make it

'Cause I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
And I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go
Oh I'm gonna hold you
And I won't let go
Won't let you go
No I won't

To conclude Repeat the Mantra :  "I am for Peace - that means I will always try to create Peace at Home, at School, in the Workplace and in the World" 

Saturday, 12 March 2022

"Dear Mr.Putin" + " I see the Mothers... "

Dear Mr Putin ….

Teach us peace, you have the power,
Please show my class the way.
Change the future that awaits
By what you do not what you say.

All you have in wealth and cash
You have more than you desire
You have reached the top, no where left to go
Very few have gone much higher.

But now here you stand before the world
Your example shows who you are.
The calls that you make , the rules you break
Are seen and heard both near and afar.

Do you know what life is like
For the children who live in fear
What have they done to exist like this ?
Just listen and you might hear.

We have homes and schools, a life and more
A place to call our own
But what have you done to those like us
Cold hungry, scared and alone .

There is a way another route
A road, a path to peace
A place for those who choose what’s right
As they make this conflict cease.

The Russian people want a life
To be free from all this strife
And you alone, the man with power
Can give them a better life.

History shows that war will serve
No purpose, use or cause
No buntings, cheering, shouts or calls
No smiles and no applause.

Your children too must wear the badge
Of the history that you weave
The tattooed ink is set in stone
Of a stain that never leaves

All the people young and old
In our land from north to south
Are doing all they can to help
For those people living hand to mouth.

Let children learn, leave schools alone
Let the doctors do their role
Give life some hope , give peace a chance
It is sunshine for your soul .

Our school is small our class is young
But in spirit, we are strong
Children are the same worldwide
They need to be loved and to belong.

They hold our future with their dreams
They hold your values too
Give them a reason to be proud
In what they see in you .

We’ve said it all, no need for more
Our message is loud and clear.
A better person lives inside
Let him speak so we can hear

Mistakes were made, but let’s move on
A better world awaits
We all can change if we turn around
In time, is never too late.

In the twilight years you will recall
Your life choices made as a man
The time and chance to change them then
Is now, while you still can.

We can live as one, in a common bond
This one planet we can share
A human race, a fellow man
There’s a reason we are here.

So take this chance and use both hands
To change the lives of many
The reasons for, are many fold
But not to, we can’t think of any.

Our final words from a man who’s wise
Are fitting to where we are now
“ if we have a ,”why “ he calmly said
“ we can cope with any” how” . ( Viktor Frankel )

Anthony O Flynn   here is the link :


I see the mothers.

Holding her child’s hand on one side, and a gun made for a soldier on the other.

I see the mothers.

Walking down roads unknown to her, carrying her children, her belongings, and her worries - all at the very same time.

I see the mothers.

Sitting on the floor of hospital basements, whether it’s giving birth to her first child, tending to her precious newborn, or sitting at the ‘bedside’ of her unwell children.

I see the mothers.

Running away to a life unknown in hopes of solace and safety, while having no choice but to leave behind pieces of her heart in the shape of husbands, fathers, brothers - Even sons.

I see the mothers.

Carrying a gun in her arms (and the world on the shoulders) just to get to the grocery store on the corner to see what’s left to buy for dinner.

I see the mothers.

Having no choice but to sit in the chaos of train stations, bus stops, and roadsides, during nap time and mealtime and bedtime.

I see the mothers.

Reading bedtime stories in dark, dreary basements for the sake of normalcy, while shelling and missiles outside their walls scream anything but normal.

I see the mothers.

Still loving on their children, and still showing up for their children -

But now to a life that they never imagined in their scariest, wildest dreams.

I see the mothers.

I see them silently praying, loudly loving, unapologetically surviving.

I see them still being mom.

I see the mothers.

“I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.”

-EM Forester


Saturday, 5 March 2022

" What happens over there will be felt everywhere "

"What happens over there will be felt everywhere"

Children understand.

I was in Morrisons doing some shopping today when Megan called me. She was out with her friends and said "Mum, one of the boys said Russia is about to enter the UK and start fighting us, so we're really scared".

Well, I'm not sure what anyone around me shopping thought about my explanation to a bunch of 11 year olds about Russia and Ukraine, but it went something like.....

After the last BIG playground fight (WW2), lots of popular kids (WORLD LEADERS) got together and made a big gang (NATO), and all the kids in the gang made a pinky promise (TREATY) to be nice and respectful and not fight each other anymore.

This means not going into each other's part of the playground (COUNTRY) without permission, and not throwing sticks or stones (HEAVY ARTILLERY) at each other, and the UK is part of the gang.

But then a new kid (UKRAINE) joined the playground, and a big bad bullly (RUSSIA) started picking on the new kid, all because he is greedy and bossy and wanted the new kids playground space for himself, even though he has one of the biggest spaces in the playground.

But sadly, the new kid is not part of the gang because the big bad bully didn't want the new kid to join the gang.

We would be breaking our pinky promise if any of the gang members help the new kid fight the bully.

We have all told the bully off, and stuck up for the new kid by hiding the bully's pocket money until the bully stops hurting the new kid (SANCTIONS) and this will hopefully stop the bully from buying more sticks and stones.

We have also given the new kid lots of our own sticks and stones to fight the bully, because this is not breaking the pinky promise!

Even though it is really, really sad, all we can do now is stand on the edge of the playground and watch and give moral support to the new kid, because we are not allowed to fight the bully for them, not without breaking the pinky promise.

BUT... if the bully breaks the pinky promise and comes into our part of the playground (UK) without permission and throws a stick or stone at us, then the whole of the gang (NATO) will come and help us, and we will ALL jump on top of the bully (RUSSIA) and beat him up. 

Now don't worry anymore sweetheart, just go and play nicely together in the sunshine and don't get up to any trouble. .

via Yvette Dawson Phillips

“LOVE” by Ukrainian artist Alexander Milov At night, the children inside light up.  

A Single lit Candle

I can’t make the

world peaceful

I can’t stall tanks

from roaring down roads

I can’t prevent children

from having to hide in bunkers

I can’t convince the news to

stop turning war into a video game

I can’t silence the sound of bombs

tearing neighbourhoods apart

I can’t turn a guided missile

into a bouquet of flowers

I can’t make a warmonger

have an ounce of empathy

I can’t convince ambassadors

to quit playing truth or dare

I can’t deflect a sniper’s bullet

from turning a wife into a widow

I can’t stave off a country being

reduced to ash and rubble

I can’t do any of that

the only thing I can do

is love the next person I encounter

without any conditions or strings

to love my neighbour

so fearlessly that

it starts a ripple

that stretches from

one horizon to the next

I can’t force peace

on the world

but I can become a force

of peace in the world


sometimes all it takes

is a single lit candle

in the darkness

to start a movement

“Lord, make me a candle

of comfort in this world

let me burn with peace”

~ john roedel



“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

Albert Einstein


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

~Margaret Mead


“I've seen enough of war to realize that we've got to make a world where wars can't happen.”


Don't let harsh words affect you

  " Don't let harsh words from people affect you " A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him. ...