Sunday, 16 September 2018

Grandad knows best

Grandad knows best
An eight-year-old boy went to his grandfather and proudly announced, “I am going to be very successful when I grow up. Can you give me any tips on how to get there?”

The grandfather nodded, and without saying a word, took the boy by the hand and walked him to a nearby plant nursery. There, the two of them chose and purchased two small saplings. They returned home and planted one of them in the back yard.
The other sapling was placed in a pot and kept indoors.
“Which one do you think will be the most successful in the future?” asked the grandfather.
The boy thought for a moment and said, “The indoor tree.
It’s protected and safe while the outdoor one has to cope with the elements.”
The grandfather shrugged his shoulders and said, “We’ll see.”
The grandfather carefully tended to both plants and in a few years,
the boy, now a teenager came to visit.
“You never really answered my question from when I was a young boy. How can I become successful when I grow up?” he asked.

The old man showed the teenager the indoor tree and then took him
outside to have a look at the towering tree outside.
“Which one is bigger?” the grandfather asked.
“The outside one. But that doesn’t make sense,
it has to cope with many more challenges than the inside one.”

The grandfather smiled, “Yes, but the risk of dealing with challenges is worth it as it has the freedom to spread its roots wide and its leaves towards the heavens.
Boy, remember this and you be successful in whatever you do; If you choose the safe option all of your life you will never grow and be all that you can be, but if you are willing to face the world head-on with all of its dangers and challenges, the sky’s the limit.”

The young man looked up at the tall tree, took a deep breath and nodded his head, knowing that his wise grandfather was right.
The same is true for all of us.
Go now and plant that tree outside !

A Little bag especially for Grandad 
Pearls - For the wisdom you share 
A Mirror - To reflect on our memories 
A Compass - For the guidance you give me 
A Jigsaw Piece - You are an important part of my life
 A Coloured Pencil - You brighten my day

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