Sunday, 20 January 2019

Kindness to others

Kindness to Others

Important Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day

1.     Today,  try to be nice to everyone you came in contact with, and if they are not nice to you, that you humbled yourself long enough to let it go and not form  resentment??

2.   Tell yourself that your heart and soul are filled with positive thoughts                  and the negative one's just bounced off you ?

3.     Remember to exhibit an act of kindness towards another person throughout the course of your day?

4.   Give more of yourself to people who needed you without wanting anything in return?

5.     Go home to your family today and tell them you love them more than anything             and thank them for being in your life??

6.  Instead of seeing the mistakes people made today,                                  tell them it was ok and offer a solution to fix it?

7.     Reach out and touch someone's heart today,                                                                     and fill it with hope for their future?

8.  Say hello to a perfect stranger today to brighten their day,                       or just look someone in the eye today and smile at them for no
reason,  other than to make them feel good??

9. Rest your head on your pillow tonight and say that you did the very best at everything you did today? If not, when you wake in the morning, you will have that opportunity all over again.

Remember what life is all
about...   It is about kindness to others and the people we love.

Tomorrow, reach out your hand and your heart to someone in need                                   and make that person's life, that much better.

Make every tomorrow a better day than today !!

1 comment:

Don't let harsh words affect you

  " Don't let harsh words from people affect you " A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him. ...