Saturday, 21 November 2020

" Up on the Roof "


In the early 60’s Gerry Coffin and Carol King wrote a song titled “Up on the Roof” -  “When I come home feelin' tired and beat I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof) I get away from the hustling crowd And all that rat-race noise down in the street (up on the roof) On the roof, the only place I know Where you just have to wish to make it so Let's go up on the roof (up on the roof).”

I believe this song is still as valid today as it was back then. We are in our eleventh month of a virus that is tearing family, friends, and countries apart not only because of its nature but also because of the sickness of the politics that have grown up around it. “..this old world is getting me down and people are just too much to face,…” Where do we go for peace of mind? The church is locked. The library may or may not be open. Where is it safe to go? Everyone needs a ‘safe place” where they can go to in a time of emotional pain. For some it might be a real place like a boathouse, a cabin in the hills, a cottage near the sea. For others it is an imaginary place where they take themselves as they “hide out” in the bathroom at work or home. Going “up on the roof” is a way of putting distance between myself and the stress that is attempting to control me. “The roof” is my sacred place of rest, of peace and quiet and I am willing to share it provided those who wish to share it with me leave their negative baggage on the street, on the side-walk. On “the roof” I see the night sky in all its fullness of stars and a full moon. It is where I see a shooting star, a wishing star, a comet, and even the International space station flying by. On “the roof” I dance and sing and listen to the music of the night. It is where I let go of that which would keep me grounded to the negativity of the street with all its contradictory noises. Up on “the roof” I feel peaceful, I feel confident, I feel hopeful as I have a sense of being closer to heaven and God, my Higher Power, or however I chose to understand the Ground of my Being, that Power which I trust but do not fully understand. On ‘the roof” I listen to the quiet voice within and without telling me not to be afraid, that, no matter what happens- good or bad – all will be okay. Creator God, Great Spirit, I give thanks for those who can verbalize their hopes and dreams in song and poetry with which I can identify, and it brings me peace. May the Holy Spirit enkindle in me a fire to find my “rooftop” so that I can let go, for however long or short, of life’s negativity and absorb the power of gratitude again. Amen.


Up On The Roof

Carole King

When this old world starts getting me down
And people are just too much for me to face
I climb way up to the top of the stairs
And all my cares just drift right into space
On the roof, it's peaceful as can be
And there the world below can't bother me
Let me tell you now

When I come home feelin' tired and beat
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof)
I get away from the hustling crowd
And all that rat-race noise down in the street (up on the roof)
On the roof, the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so
Let's go up on the roof (up on the roof)

At night the stars put on a show for free
And, darling, you can share it all with me

I keep a-tellin' you

Right smack dab in the middle of town
I've found a paradise that's trouble proof (up on the roof)
And if this world starts getting you down
There's room enough for two
Up on the roof (up on the roof)
Up on the roo-oo-oof (up on the roof)
Oh, come on, baby (up on the roof)
Oh, come on, honey (up on the roof)

Everything is all right (up on the roof)

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