Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Christmas "Nutrition for the Soul"


T'was a month before Christmas,🎄

And all through the town,

People wore masks,😷

That covered their frown.

The frown had begun☹️

Way back in the Spring,🌷

When a global pandemic 🌍

Changed everything.

They called it corona,

But unlike the beer,🍚

It didn’t bring good times,

It didn’t bring cheer.ðŸŧ

Contagious and deadly,☠️

This virus spread fast,

Like a wildfire that startsðŸ”Ĩ

When fuelled by gas ⛽️

Airplanes were grounded,🛎

Travel was banned.

Borders were closed

Across air, sea and land.ðŸ›ŦðŸ›Ĩ🚘

As the world entered lockdown🔐

To flatten the curve,↩️

The economy halted,

And folks lost their verve.🛑

From March to July

We rode the first wave🏄‍♀️🌊

People stayed home,

They tried to behave.ðŸĄ

When summer emerged🏖

The lockdown was lifted.

But away from caution,

Many folks drifted. 🏕⛱ðŸĐģðŸĐą

Now it’s NovemberðŸŒĻ❄️❄️

And cases are spiking,

Wave two has arrived,🌊🌊

Much to our disliking.

Frontline workers,

Doctors and nurses ðŸĐšðŸĨžðŸ‘ĻðŸŧ‍⚕️ðŸ‘Đ🏞‍🔎ðŸ‘ĐðŸ―‍⚕️

Try to save people,

From riding in hearses.ðŸŠĶ

This virus is awful,ðŸ˜Ē

This COVID-19.

There isn’t a cure.

Not yet a vaccine.💉

It’s true that this year

Has had sadness a plenty,😭

We’ll never forget

The year 2020.ðŸ§ŧðŸ§ŧðŸ§ŧðŸ§ī

And just ‘round the corner -

The holiday season,🎄🎅🏞

But why be merry?

Is there even one reasonðŸ‘ĐðŸ―‍🍞✝️

To decorate the house

And put up the tree,🎄

When no one will see it,

No one but me.🔎👓ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

But outside my window🊟

The winter now calls,ðŸŒĻ

And I think to myself,

Let’s deck the halls!☃️⛄️☃️⛄️

So, I gather the ribbon,🎗

The garland and bows,🎀

As I play those old carols,

My happiness grows.ðŸĨ°ðŸĪĐðŸĨ°ðŸĪĐðŸĨģ

Christmas is not cancelled⛪️🎄🎅🏞

And neither is hope.

If we lean on each other,ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸ‘Đ‍ðŸ‘Ķ‍ðŸ‘Ķ

I know we can cope ❤💚



The Best We Could Hope

© Jonathan Shaw, November 2020


What’s the best we could hope for when Covid appeared?

Attacking the lifestyle that we all held dear

A ruthless new virus infecting our world

New phrases and habits were quickly required

A more equitable world for us all seemed in store

As we focussed on others and cared for them more

We saw nature revived after years of neglect

We cherished its beauty and gave our respect

The first phase united as we flattened the curve

Supporting the front line was our way to serve

Re-opening the schools was then our resolve

Despite all the work we knew it would involve

What’s the best we can hope for as year-end draws near?

Will the country re-open and permit Christmas cheer?

A glimmer of hope that restrictions might end                                     

Once more see our loved ones - our family and friends

An uncertain Christmas was faced that first year

With Joseph and Mary and due date come near

Their treacherous travel by night and by day

An essential journey far beyond their 5k

Hospitality industry brought to its knees

As the village was crowded at Caesar’s decree

A shortage of beds led to desperate trouble

And the two were confined to their own social bubble

And while they cocooned in their hay-filled pod

That night was birthed the unique son of God

A hope for the nations, the Saviour appeared

The way back to God now through Jesus secured

The prophets foretold the forgiveness of sin

Death being defeated through his rising again

“Cheated death many times” as some might say

For 33 years till that fateful day

But the author of life they couldn’t suppress

As he rose from the grave with unmatched success

Died but then risen and true hope secured

Now death need not have the final word

What's the best we can hope for as we try to move on?

Will all this be over? Will Covid be gone?

We’re still here together caught up in the struggle

Unable to rescue ourselves from this trouble

‘All in this together’ but parted by choice

Divided by preference - no unified voice.

It was all in our hands to defeat this attack

But the progress soon stalled, before being pushed back

What if Covid is not the main thing we all fear

But the death that it leads to, it's ugly head reared

Behind closed doors we’d supressed it away

Brought out in the open as Covid held sway

Our new main objective: to suppress once again

The truth of mortality, journeyed with pain

The death rate may slip as the cases decline

But the truth still remains: one in every one dies.

We push it aside and prefer not to think

What lies just beyond when we come to the brink

Yet fear is defeated when death holds no fear

Not just for Christmas but all through the year

This truth lights the way through the darkness of life

And always gives hope through the struggle and strife

Jesus at Christmas – you mightn’t think twice

But had you considered this hope could suffice?

Jesus the Saviour is truly good news

Death is defeated and true life ensues

What’s the best we can hope for at Christmas this year?

A socially-distanced, uneventful affair

But “lift your eyes higher”, that’s Christmas’s call

Fear of death cancelled. That’s the best hope of all.

The Best We Could Hope

© Jonathan Shaw (2020)


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