Saturday, 20 August 2022

"Starting school - Back at School "

Something inspirational for all parents / teachers who have children starting school or returning to school.

An Aspiration: Starting School, Back at School.

As you head off to school , this is what I’m hoping and praying for you:

I’m hoping and praying: that your teachers will know just how to teach you in a way that you will love to learn.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will make friends who will have your back, make you laugh and will make you better.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will always be kind, even in the face of conflict or disagreement.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will seek out the new person or the lonely person and help them find their place.

I’m hoping and praying: that you’ll learn to be a leader.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will do everything to the best of your ability — even when you don’t want to.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will be focused on the things your teachers are trying to teach you.

I’m hoping and praying: that you’ll have confidence from knowing you are a child of the universe.

I’m hoping and praying that if things go wrong, you’ll always remember that you are loved.

I’m hoping and praying: that you’ll laugh a lot during your day.

I’m hoping and praying: that you will grow in wisdom and in stature.

Most of all, I’m hoping and praying: that this year will be filled with learning, growth, joy and fun.

Have a great year!

If we knew the background circumstances which children and students come to school                  - we might treat them differently. 

A suggestion for Primary School Teachers:
and now  suggestions for Parents: 


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