Sunday, 25 September 2022

" Home Partner "

“Home Partner” A friend came to my house for a beer, we sat down and talked about life. After a while I interrupted the conversation and said to him, ′′I'm going to wash the dishes, I'll be right back.” He looked at me like I told him he was going to build a spaceship. So he said to me with admiration and a little stumped, ′′Glad you help your wife, I rarely help mine because when I do she never thanks me. Last week I washed the floor and she didn't even tell me thank you.” I sat back down with him again and explained to him that I don't ′′help′′ my wife. Actually, my wife doesn't need help, she needs a partner, a teammate. I'm her home partner… and due to that, all functions are divided, which is not “help” with household duties
. I don't “help” my wife clean the house, because I also live in it and I need to clean it too. I don't “help” my wife cook, because I also want to eat and I need to cook too. I don't “help” her washing dishes after eating, because I use these dishes too. I don't “help” my wife with kids, because they are mine too and it's my duty to be a father. I don't “help” my wife wash, extend, fold, and put away laundry, because it's mine and my kids too. I don't give a “helping hand” at home, I'm part of it.
Then with respect I asked my friend when was the last time after his wife finished cleaning the house, doing laundry, changing the bed sheets, bathing the kids, cooking, organizing, etc.. did he say: “thank you?” I mean a real thank you, like, “Wow, baby!! You're amazing!!" Does this all seem absurd? Does it sound weird to you? When, once in your life, you cleaned the floor, you expected at least an excellence award with great glory... why? Haven't you ever thought about that? Maybe, because for you, macho culture taught you that everything is a woman's task. Maybe you've been taught that all this should be done without you having to move a finger. So praise her as you would like to be praised, likewise, with the same intensity. Hold her hand and behave like a true companion, and assume your part, don't behave like a guest who simply comes to eat, sleep, shower and satisfy sexual needs... feel at home, in your home. Change in our society begins in our homes, teaching our children the true sense of fellowship!

Sunday, 18 September 2022

" RAOK " - Spread a little Kindness.


Spread a little kindness

I never thought I’d see this today on my route. A little old man was walking down the highway looking for a phone to call for help so I pulled over asked if he was okay or not. He told me that he had wrecked his car. I told him to hop in and I would take him back to his car and we will call somebody. I asked the gentleman to hop in his car and see if we can get it unstuck so we don’t have to call anybody, needless to say, we got it unstuck.

I asked if he needed anything else before I go, he said no son you helped make my day even better. (While he was saying this he was starting to tear up.) I asked if he was okay? And he said, “Yes son I just came to see my wife.” I was looking around and realized he was pulling into the cemetery (I got a huge knot in my stomach.) I asked how long has it been? He looked up at me with a smile and said, “Fifteen years tomorrow.”

I asked how often he comes out to see her… he smiled and said, “Every Saturday morning.” He looked at me and said, “At first everyday but after a few years, I couldn’t make it out here like that anymore.” I said man that must be hard to miss someone for that long. He looked at me and reached up to put his hand on my shoulder and said, “If you ever love someone like I loved her then this is the smallest thing I could ever do to show everyone that I love her more than life itself.” He looked at me and said, “I never had eyes for another woman and I never will. God bless you for your help and the talk.”

I just looked at him and thanked him for the lesson. We shook hands and he opened his back door and got flowers for his wife out of the back seat and walked into the cemetery as I drove down the road.

I guess the gentleman was my sign from God (I have been praying for a sign to keep me going in my time of need.) The lesson is your love will never die for the one that is truly yours, just hold on and your love will reconnect somewhere in this life or the next.



Check out this link with sound on :  "If you give a little love" 
to help spread a little kindness in the world that you live.

Friday, 9 September 2022

"Music and Song" is Nutrition for the Soul


Check out the link :  Fearless Soul  "Only a Season"

Here is the link:  "Love Changes Everything"

Take time for the instrumental: "Gabriel's Oboe" -- Ennio Morriconi

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Read to your Children

  Parent comments: 

“ I have always read my girls a bedtime story every night from being less than a year old. My oldest now is 7 and reading books way beyond what she should be reading at her age. I'm thankful she has that love of books. I never had that as a child I just hope her younger sister follows in her footsteps.”

Its the best time with your children, watching their faces as you are reading the story.”

“ Reading to your child reaps rewards for both child and parents. It creates a beautiful bond that's priceless.”

“When my son was small, I had to work evenings and would miss putting him to bed. I made recordings of myself reading all his favourite books, so he could fall asleep to the sound of my voice reading to him. Years later when my son was a teen, I heard my voice from one of those recordings coming from behind my son’s closed door.”

Watch these links : "Look up"

and "Eat Together"

Don't let harsh words affect you

  " Don't let harsh words from people affect you " A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him. ...