Friday, 6 January 2023

" Teachers, Parents consider this "


Teachers before you criticise children / students for coming late to school consider this 

“I’m sorry I’m late,”


I wanted to be on time, but one of my children ended up on the floor in a fit because they demanded a biscuit for breakfast, and I wouldn’t give in.


I’m sorry I’m late,


I wanted to be on time, but one of my children needed to “go poopy” on the way out. And then, after I changed a dirty nappy, my older kids started fighting over who gets to sit in which seat.


I’m sorry I’m late,


I wanted to be on time, but I got to school and realized I had left their backpacks at home and had to turn around. And then, running into the house to get them, my child got a skinned knee and needed it cleaned and bandaged.


I’m sorry I’m late,


I wanted to be on time, but the baby woke up twice in the middle of the night, and I overslept my alarm. Then the toddler thought it was funny to hide and couldn’t be found for over ten minutes.


I’m sorry I’m late,


I wanted to be on time, but one of my children refused to change out of their pyjamas while the other couldn’t find their shoes, and then they “didn’t feel quite right” on.


The truth is, I want to be on time,

and I feel guilty about it.


But kids are messy, unpredictable,

and will make you late every time.


So, I’m sorry I’m late,

but I’m a mom.


Parents before you criticise teachers at school consider this 

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