Saturday, 6 April 2024

" Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí "


 “ Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí “


Once upon a time there was a Primary school, where a new young teacher had just been hired. She was excited to start her job and teach her students.

One day while walking past a classroom, she saw an older teacher correcting her student's homework, but instead of using red ink like all other teachers, she was using a light green pen and a soft pencil.                      

Curious the young teacher approached the older teacher and asked her why she didn't use red ink like all the other teachers. The older teacher smiled and said  "Because mistakes must be correctly quietly. Red is the colour of fire, and it can be scary and make students feel bad about their mistakes.  When you underline something in red, it looks like you are pointing the finger at them. Light green on the other hand is the colour of buds and gives you hope. When you correct mistakes with a gentle touch like a soft pencil and light green it shows the students that you care about helping them grow and learn."                                                                                                                                    The young teacher was impressed by the older teacher’s approach and asked her to explain more. The older teacher continued  "Correcting mistakes is not just about using the right colour ink. It's about helping students feel confident and secure. When you correct mistakes gently you give them hope and show them that they can learn from their mistakes. Just like a young plant needs nourishing to grow, Students need positive reinforcement to feel confident." 

The young teacher realized that the older teacher's approach was not just about the use of colours, but it was something bigger and deeper. She learned that helping students grow up requires time and patience, especially when they make the same mistake multiple times, they need to be reassured and cheered up every single time. Just like when they fall when learning to walk.

The older teacher's method helped students feel confident and her a more caring teacher. the younger teacher learned that it's important to be patient and kind when helping students learn and grow, even when they make mistakes. She realised that shouting and getting angry with students makes them feel insecure, and that speaking softly and calmly can help them learn and improve.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

 “ Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí “


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