Saturday, 2 November 2024

"Do the right thing"


 The only moments in our lives that count for anything are those when we do the right thing, when we don’t have to look down at the table but can raise our heads and look each other in the eye. Nothing else matters. Alexei Navalny, PATRIOT . 239 .


“It’s not always easy to do what’s right.” Well, that’s true. Doing the next right thing has consequences just as doing the next wrong thing. However, doing the next right thing leaves one with a feeling of satisfaction of doing what is right regardless of the consequences.                                                                                                                                       In a sea of corruption, Alexei Navalny became a leader among millions of Russians who want a democracy and do away with corruption. For his work, Navalny was poisoned, imprisoned under false pretences, and finally murdered in prison. Murdered for doing the next right thing.                                                                                                                                    This happens on a daily basis in terms of character assassination around the “water cooler” in offices; it happens daily, nowadays, in various media where the name of good people is destroyed.                                                                                                                         “The only moments in our lives that count for anything are those when we do the right thing…” there is a tremendous satisfaction in a healthy sense when we do something we know to be right, to take  a stand against those whose words and behavior is bent on destruction. It was said of Jesus “It is better that one man die for the country.” It was thought that if Mahatma Gandhi, Dag Hammarskjold or Martin Luther King, were out of the way then things could “get back to normal. These men lived doing ‘the next right thing” and for doing so they  paid the price.                                                                                                                      In school yards. Offices, in the work place, students, men and women are shunned, silenced, abandoned, sneered at, for daring to do the next right thing and, despite all the jeering, they0 stand their ground because they know that what they are doing is Right.                 Across the world today in church and in society, locally, nationally, internationally, there are those who stand for equality, respect, democracy, justice, and they will pay the price of following their conscience, following Jesus, living the Beatitudes, their scripture.                      Creator God, Great Spirit, I give thanks for those men and women who shine a light in the darkness to offer us hope for a better future. May the Holy Spirit guide us in these dark days to do the Right thing regardless of the price to be paid so that future generations will live in peace and freedom with respect and justice for all. Amen                                 

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