Saturday, 16 December 2023

Thoughts for Christmas


A time when Times Square stood still at Christmas



You don't need to have matching pyjamas

You don't need a perfect winter wonderland house

You don't need a sofa full of gifts

You don't need a Michelin star Christmas dinner

You don't need to be the perfect hostess

You don’t need to be ‘party dress ready’

You don't need to go into debt to prove your worth, your love, your friendship or your parental abilities.

Here are some things you do need…

You do need to give yourself a break

You do need to remember it’s  ‘time off’ - for you too

You do need to stop social-media comparing 

You do need to realise your time is worth more than a gift bought from a shop

You do need to breathe through the madness and repeat to yourself ‘peace, love, goodwill.’

And lastly, you do need to know that your children, your family or your friends will not remember the perfection or the money spent.

It’s a fact.

When they look back, they will recall the terrible jokes from the bad crackers, the time the turkey burned and you all ate cheese sandwiches and the feelings of warmth, happiness, love and togetherness you gave them, with your open heart and your open home.

And none of that will come from you rushing around the shops with impossible lists and a very bad headache.

So, as the month unfurls make this list the one you stick to and let the rest flow.

Spend time, be present and open up your heart to the season of goodwill.

Just as you are.

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